Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)

Ok, building new house wife killed my stereo ambitions with an awful built in tv console cabinet.  Room is large, there is Sonos in the ceiling and outdoor area so that’s fine for background.  She sold my B&W 802s when we moved but thinks the McIntosh stuff looks cool so that can stay.  MA352 int amp and a mt5 turntable.  I thought there was room for floor standing speakers next to the built in but sadly there isn’t room.  I can put a sub in, budget is whatever, but I don’t want want to turn 20k Focals into $4000 speakers buried on a bookshelf.  Any suggestions?  Thanks, Mark 



@blisshifi is giving you proper advice. We have a tv room with a similar shelving handicap. I tried Harbeth, Wilson Tunetots, etc, etc. Rear ports are out. Just forget about them, even the tunetots. The best arrangement I found was with Audio Note Super K’s but the gear you have would be a poor match. I hesitated even replying because it will take work. You may need to install some acoustic panels in the shelves, you may need some adjustable stands to isolate and be able to get the tweeter firing at the listening position. 


See if there is an Audio Note dealer near you who might have a demo pair for you to see how they work in your application.

we have the perfect solution


jern cast iron loudspeakers

sealed cabinetsdesigned to go in a cabinet affordable

incredibileimagining even in s cainet


alows for seemles integration with a small sub


great looking


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj

Us jern importer

There are so many red flags in the original post.

wife killed my stereo ambitions

She sold my B&W 802s when we moved

You, sir, have bigger fish to fry than a stereo system........

Ozzy, you arent kidding.  3 kids, moving to new state, wife didnt want to, etc etc.  I got what I got.  LOL

Ozzy, you arent kidding.  3 kids, moving to new state, wife didnt want to, etc etc.  I got what I got.  LOL

Ok, so now that we've established that. I like the idea of the Wilson Duette. Your situation is kind of what they were designed for.