Bookshelf speakers on a bookshelf (Sad)

Ok, building new house wife killed my stereo ambitions with an awful built in tv console cabinet.  Room is large, there is Sonos in the ceiling and outdoor area so that’s fine for background.  She sold my B&W 802s when we moved but thinks the McIntosh stuff looks cool so that can stay.  MA352 int amp and a mt5 turntable.  I thought there was room for floor standing speakers next to the built in but sadly there isn’t room.  I can put a sub in, budget is whatever, but I don’t want want to turn 20k Focals into $4000 speakers buried on a bookshelf.  Any suggestions?  Thanks, Mark 


Johnk, Ill post a pic of the wall later.  Dont think i have the space.  One side opens up to pool, other to the front entry, kitchen behind it and a built in w big screen and whatever audio stuff I can jam in there.  

Duette's wont work in a shelving/cabinet unit. They work fine close to wall but no way in a cabinet.

Duette's wont work in a shelving/cabinet unit. They work fine close to wall but no way in a cabinet.

 I guess I missed the part about them being inside the cabinet. Not many speakers work well in those conditions. It would probably have to be something that is truly designed to be soffit mounted.

Also, in addition to being IN the shelf, from my experience Wilson and McIntosh will generally produce a very warm, less than resolving sound. Wilson benefits from "whitish" sounding electronics like Simaudio or Audio Research to sound its best.

@blisshifi give/gave wise advice.


I had a similar situation for a room and tried almost everything. I ended up with the Audio Note K SPX (the OP should probably consider the SPE for cost) driven by SHindo electronics. The K is so versatile, its shallow and its a sealed design. Without seeing his intsallation if he bought a Leben 300, an OTO SE Signature or even a Sugden/Luxman class A, somthing like that I predict excellent results. I had the K's installed on their sides on some Isoacoustics Aperta stands for adjustability and the sound was superb. Very little compromise other than at higher volumes the sound didn't "scale" evenly. At lower volumes it was a little like having a loudness button engaged. Had a wireless subwoofer setup that I only used maybe 25% of the time.