Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce's new album RENAISSANCE is out, her first studio effort in six years. The recording material was attended by Jay-Z, Skrillex, Drake and Grace Jones.



@dayglow I"m not making this claim for everyone, give me a break. This is my own experience, and what I've observed with certain others over my lifetime.


I still have my prejudices/biases that keep me from ability to enjoy other genres/artists. Are you making claim you're devoid of prejudice/bias of any sort?


Beyonce won't be everyone's cup of tea, nor will any artist or genre for that matter, but the generalized attacks on artists or genres only expose one's biases/prejudices. This type of attack is very transparent and  overt on this thread.


.......there is difference to me at least, between entertainers and entertainment. What I can't believe is that for the first time I actually agree with : jasonbourne52 !!! 

Yes she did have some success prior to her marriage with "Shug '' Jay Z but you can't tell me that he didn't have a huge influence on where she is today. There are some great artists out there ....just for instance visit Nashville just for an example and there are some incredibly talented musicians out there that will never get a break or have Hip Pop Moguls promote them when beyond their talent level.    

Jimi Hendrix was an entertainer.  Louis Armstrong was an entertainer.  Elvis was an entertainer.  The Rolling Stones are entertainers.  Micheal Jackson was an entertainer.  Chopin was an entertainer.  David Bowie was an entertainer.  Bruce Springsteen is an entertainer.  And yeah, Beyonce Knowles is an entertainer.  You can be a great entertainer, or showman, and still produce really good music.  In fact, they start using the word genius when the showmanship is great and the music is excellent, think Ray Charles.

To say you don't like her music is one thing.  To say you don't like her and belittle her is another thing.

I do not think you are making proper analogy...  Actually, way off to the point that I do not even wish to comment on it.  It is kinda ... laughable.

@garebear Have you ever actually listened to those artists who get “promoted beyond their talent level by ‘Country’ Moguls” from the Nashville scene you valorize?

When you say, “‘Shug’ Jay-Z”…For one, it’s “Suge,” not, “Shug.”
Suge Knight. Jay-Z.  Two completely different people.  I know this may be hard for someone like you to differentiate, but these are two different people. 
Also, Beyoncé didn’t just have, “some success” before she met Jay-Z.  She was hugely successful with 3 hit albums with Destiny’s Child.

But no, let’s keep pushing the archaic idea that talented women are successful  because they met the right famous dude, not by their own merits.