Solid state or Tubes preamp phono stage.

Need some help deciding which preamplifier to purchase. I am looking at hagerman audio trumpet and I have a great offer to buy musical fidelity m6x vinyl that is the same price of the hagerman trumpet.


Have you thought of a Sutherland solid state PS? Extremely low noise floor and it will let the cartridge do the talking.

As mijostyn said, tubes are a PITA and IMHO for the equipment hobbyist (whether or not they are really into the music). Plus they can run hot.

Soko, I’m sorry but your summary dismissal of tube phono stages and those who prefer them is ridiculous. One could as well say exactly the same about solid state and those who love it, and be just as pointless. And the parting shot about running hot is equally beside the point. That’s how tubes work, by heating up a filament that then gives off electrons. Class A solid state gear runs hot too.

What, tubes make heat? Who knew? The thing is, in a phono stage you’re barely going to notice it. They aren’t going to tax your A/C or keep you warm in the winter.

This is kind of like asking which type of DAC is better - R2R, delta-sigma, or FPGA.

The answer is the same. It depends. On everything else. The implementation of the specific type of technology, the rest of your system, your listening preferences, etc.

I don’t have any experience with either of the two phono stages mentioned, so won’t make a recommendation, but I have heard much more discussion about the Hagerman Trumpet and it has been overwhelmingly positive.

I have a tube phono stage with my main turntable, a solid-state unit with my secondary table, and tubes with my other three turntables. I’ve yet to experience any heat issues or have a tube go nuclear in one. I wish I could say I’ve been so lucky with tubes in amplifiers, but tubes in phono stages and preamps are under a lot less stress than the the power tubes are in an amplifier. My better tube phono stages are extremely quiet, more so than the solid state unit.

" Plus they can run hot."

Maybe this one is a little warmer than others, but small signal tubes compared to power tubes are not space heaters.

Average units just 2-4 maybe?


Hey @tablejockey is that a NVO SPA-2SE unit? 22 tubes! Have used it for many years and it doesn't get that hot or even heat up a room. Just beautiful sound IMO.


(Dealer disclaimer & Importer)