Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?



I agree with the premise they want what sounds enjoyable @kingdeezie 


However I disagree and believe it is lack of knowledge. There is a big big difference between having what you like, which we can assume most audiophiles have achieved to some degree, and knowing what you like. They may have something they like, but they don't know what it is. Some do. By far most of them do not. They only know what it physically looks like. Because they do not, they can't replicate it when they move, and they can't intelligently work on improving it. They guess, and sometimes that is right, and sometimes it is wrong and most of the time it is exactly the same, but they convince themselves it is better or worse. That is what I mean by knowledge has stunted or even declined.


An objective approach to audio does not mean ignoring the subjective. That would be stupid. An objective approach ideally is about identifying the subjective qualities that you as an individual prefer, and giving you the tools to fine tune the objective qualities to your subjective preference.

Progress can only be measured objectively, not subjectively. That’s just the way it is.   

Not field coil speaker rated, but one of the best videos/sound I've heard on YT (in regard to a vintage horn speaker) may have been done by "johnk" who has posted in this thread.

I think it was an RCA design (not Western Electric) and I'm not certain if it was a rebuild or a reproduction.

Been searching for the video for a few years without any luck.

The speaker/horn looked like an early WE design, but again I think/recall that it was of RCA manufacture.


I know nothing of the design of the speaker/video I posted, but I do see gaps on the back sides of the horn.

They do not look even/symmetrical to me, but this may be due to the camera angle(s).
