Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?

Clearly, single ended interconnects yield sound benefits as you move up a manufacturers product line, but do balanced cables yield the same improvement?


I would certainly think it is system dependent. Based on my limited experience.

Balanced interconnects work best with differentially balanced components.  Check to see if your stuff is. 

If you stick with Mogami or Canare wires, you are assured of neutral cables. If you like the rest of your system, that's what I'd recommend. You can have cables made to your exact needed lengths and save a ton of money over the "boutique" brands.

If you are looking for flavoring, by all means try the boutique cables and be prepared to pay accordingly.  The ones I've tried all did funny things to the sound. Not my cup of tea at all. So I think the "Clearly" in your first sentence would better be, "I think" or "Some people think" or "Cable manufacturers say."