I ran my Hana ML (awesome cart for $1200) at 62dB of gain (lowest setting on the Goldnote PS10) and that was plenty of gain. I tried 65dB but that was obviously way too much, so based on my limited experience 60dB should be fine. (I'm now running an Aidas that outputs 0.3mv but still at @ 62dB).
The Sabrina's are full range and should not need subs (although I am a REL fan - but I pair 2 RELs with Harbeth 30.2's cause that combo cost way less and are much easier to drive than the Sabrina's, otherwise I would have bought them).
I've heard the Sabrina's with a Hana ML powered by a nice tube amp (I forget which one, might have been a BAT VK 80i) and they can slam.
I think you need a bigger amp.