@serjio @nonoise We may have set a new record here on just how far off topic we can go? At any rate, it’s always good to read responses to a thread that I originate.
The premise of the thread was to respect music as it’s own entity and not demote it to a mere activity to deviate our attention from something else. Not sure how we got here, but we did.
Since I started this thread, a few comments on the off topic remarks.
I’m involved in 2 groups: YOUniteUSA (mine) and Braver Angels. We represent a small chunk of the "uniters" (or in my case YOUniters) and depolarizers in the country. I equate our efforts to blowing on a bowl of hot chili to cool it down while it’s still in the microwave, or trying to clear to leaves off our driveway with a leaf blower -- during an F5 tornado. We identify, acknowledge and celebrate our common interests and passions, while opening the door for conversations to bring out the "real person" inside.the individual with different viewpoints than ours. We also sponsor debates on subjects that the MSM doesn’t want us to have. (That is a topic unto itself)
We operate with the full knowledge that those above our "pay grades" yield the power of what I refer to as "weapons of mass division" and can destroy months of work by hundreds of individuals with one 5-second sound bite or a single sentence divisive statement. Any any rate, we keep plugging away. As one person said; "If you want to shave 100 pounds off of a race car, you need to find 1,600 ways to save an ounce."
It’s also been said: "Democracy only works as well as the mean sanity level of a society." We’re trying to do our part in tipping the scales toward sanity.
Forums such as things have an incalculable value in finding common interests and creating bonds. I’d say it’s upwards of 90% that A’Gon contributors agree, and when they don’t agree, they’re still friends afterwards.
My search for intelligent life on earth often starts with this forum. I am rarely disappointed.
Johnny Youniteus