Optical better than ethernet, no mass consensus, much variety of opinion. Unless you have optical internet provider, ethernet somewhere in chain, wish I had choice so could compare full chain of both. After fair bit of experimentation, prefer ethernet prior to server, optical after.
Those are DC power connections to ALL FMC, provided by switch mode power supply (wall wart) or LPS, linear power supply take AC, convert to DC.
Important point many don't think about, optical only eliminates the noise at point it enters FMC, DOESN'T eliminate noise emanating from WITHIN any equipment, cable PRIOR to FMC. This means you don't gain something from using optical vs ethernet, losses due to this noise the same. Theoretical advantage is you're not adding the possibility of more noise via optical cable vs ethernet cable, whether optical or ethernet devices used are noisier is highly dependent on particular devices used. . Generic FMC are noisy devices, even with full galvanic isolation, losses are losses, whether you hear this noise or not depends on system resolution. Ethernet devices subject to same noise limitations.
Sonore OpticalModule is an attempt to address this FMC noise issue, I have one on order, waiting on redesign due to chip supply issues.