Washington Post article on MoFi vs. Fremer vs. Esposito

Here's a link to a Washington Post article on the recent dustup with MoFi. The comments section (including posts by Michael Fremer) are interesting.

Disclaimer: This is a "public service announcement, a point Im adding since some forum members complained the last article I referenced here was "paywall protected", I'll note that, for those who are non-subscribers, free access to limited numbers of articles is available by registering (trade-off: The Post will deluge you with subscription offers)


Well I mentioned above that I retubed the equipment. Dan Meinwald from EAR USA sent MoFi my direction. I have sold a number of the EAR phono preamps and am contemplating the line.

I spent a number of hours with Tim at the various shows. Both of us were, at the time, smokers and he always knew which floor of the hotel we could smoke. Dan from EAR USA is a credit to this business!

In a class action suit, the attorneys will make millions and we will all get $5 gas cards for each one step we own. Looks like I will get $5...!

There's already been a lawsuit filed. Gonna cost them a fortune in lawyers.

I feel bad for all the people that got cancer from the fake MFSL recordings. And from windmills. 

Seems Fremer was mostly pissed that MoFi invited a "non-journalist" - a store owner and amateur vinyl reviewer popular on YouTube to meet with them and discuss the issues instead of a "legitimate" journalist like him or others (whatever passes for that these days). Sorry, I haven't seen an example of real journalism in the last 25 years and that is rather sad.

I hope they patch things up and get on the same page. There’s enough needless strife in this world already, let alone the amount that IS necessary.

I bet John Wood was taken to the woodshed by the owner for not informing him about the invite or video till too late for him to rescind it...A huge Mea Culpa for sure on his part. LOL

This whole thing is very unfortunate and  the last thing this hobby needs. Certainly a sin of omission by MoFi that warrants punishment, but if I couldnt tell the difference then that is on me.