There is no use in trying to reason, fight or argue with an objectivist. Their whole reason for existence is to argue and be they will never give in....and they always have to keep arguing and have the last statement. So, just let it lie.....because it takes two to tango.....and that is what he wants.....he wants a fight. So, put your swords away because you cannot win against an objectivist......even though someone "scoring" the "fight" from a distance may give you every does not matter to him.....he will just keep saying he won. But winning and losing are the job of the if you are trying to win against someone who will never "say uncle’ then you are in your ego as much as him. All arguing does is make your own ego this what you want? Just state the truth and let it lie. If you need to also clarify some point so his "nonesense" is not seen on its own as "truth" then do that but then STOP responding after that. I am done with him......nothing more needs to be said from me about what he thinks.
IT IS DONE........let him have the last word.
I surrender to the love of God.....flowing through my life.
Be Happy.........choose it now.