What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?

Consider both designs are done right and your other equipment is well matched with the speakers.  Do you have any preference when it comes to sound quality?  Is it matter of economic decision when it comes to price? - power amps can become very expensive when power goes up, on the other hand large,  efficient speakers are expensive as well.  Is your decision based on room size?  I'd love to hear from you on the subject. 


more than one way to skin a cat. It's always a matter of pairing of amp & speaker in an appropriately sized room. So IMHO, a practical way to approach it is:

1) what speakers that I love are will work well in this room?

2) what amps work best with that speaker? Cheers,




+1 …. Eloquently said … point, set, and match ! ( in tennis jargon) 

I agree with Spencer. I've had low to high efficiency speakers and all have had their strengths and weaknesses. All could be made to sound good with matching equipment. That said, I usually come down in the high efficiency camp since I like mid to lower powered tube amps.