We like what we like and we could leave it at that… depending on what level of involvement with the music we each want. However, to approach listening to music (or any art) with preconceived and rigid ideas about what aspects (repetition, rhyming) of music we like or don’t like is extremely limiting and stifles our growth as listeners; and, no disrespect intended, belies a rather simplistic (some might say sophomoric) appreciation of the art.
Repetition can be a valid and very effective compositional tool. Sure, we may not like specific songs (or works) that don’t employ that compositional technique or another in an effective way; but, the judgment of the validity of that technique needs to be in the context of the total of the compositional parts….the complete work. This idea applies to any music, from Pop songs to Classical works. Are we to dismiss a great composition such as Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 because of its constantly repeated opening tune (motif)?