How many times does some "scientist" have to come up with an article debunking wine tasters? Are there that many who were wounded by one earlier in their life?
Here's a more relevant article that doesn't demean wine tasters by just another parlor trick. And here's another. Of the thousands of possible genetic combinations for taste and smell, each individual only uses about 300 or so, making everyone as unique as a fingerprint when using those senses.
So yes, absolutely, there are those with talented tongues and noses, and yes, they can taste and appreciate the differences. The rest of us have to learn to taste and smell past what we can't and super concentrate on what we can coupled with the memories of past tastings.
That's why there are always those outliers who aren't fooled by the parlor tricks yet they're never mentioned, for some strange reason. And, once in a great while, they are, but that doesn't negate their whole body of experience and expertise. Nothing like people falling for the old, "gotcha".
All the best,