Kef Blade or Wilson Audio Alexia?

Please give your advise, if I am to buy a floor standing speakers and place it in a 28 sq ft room, would you prefer a Wilson Audio Alexia or Kef Blade?
@Rpeluso, I now have kef speakers (203/2 and LS50). I am thinking of upgrading my speakers, top on the list is kef blade or WA alexia. I have auditioned the blade but not yet the other one. I purchased some components of my audio system based on what people say, especially in this forum. I look at the technical specs, then try to find negative comments based on someone's actual experience. The review in the audio magazines are sometimes bias.Comments here are straight and forward, but of course it's up to you to consider which one is applicable to your system.
That's a pretty small room I would think if its sealed and that size you might have major issues with big speakers and trying to control the bass. I had all kinds of issues in a room 19x15 with big speakers. Unless you've already had speakers that put out serious bass in there you might end up bummed to spend that kind of dough and have boomy bass.
In terms of design, technology and research and development KEF can outspend Wilson, Magico, YG acoustics and ten other speaker companies combined. The Blade program was over 1 million dollars spent in R&D over five years

so as I said you have a magnificent but very tricky speaker with the Blades

How much to get a 30k speaker that's *not* very tricky? ;)
@Ejlif - thanks for your input. Having bigger speakers in a small room is my major drawback. I should be contended w/ kef 203/2 . . . for the meantime.
KEF should have outspent for a better space at the Denver Marriott. Begs the question of what kind of room you need in order to get ten of thousands of dollars of sound out of them. I am not saying they are bad; to me they did not do well at RMAF.