Washington Post article on MoFi vs. Fremer vs. Esposito

Here's a link to a Washington Post article on the recent dustup with MoFi. The comments section (including posts by Michael Fremer) are interesting.

Disclaimer: This is a "public service announcement, a point Im adding since some forum members complained the last article I referenced here was "paywall protected", I'll note that, for those who are non-subscribers, free access to limited numbers of articles is available by registering (trade-off: The Post will deluge you with subscription offers)

Post removed 

You misunderstood me. What I meant was that when I look around, I see people getting angry about things that are not that important while being oblivious to very serious problems. For example, fentanyl is pouring into our country causing untold death and misery here and in Mexico, but it seems like very few people are concerned about it in the least. I would prefer that people direct more of their anger at that and less at MoFi, but each person is free to direct their anger wherever they want, of course..

I never have to worry about my chute not opening because I dont skydive. Just because people dont share your concern regarding this problem doesnt mean they are not aware. 

Curious how this will affect Mo-Fi’s turntable and analog hardware in general. Will they reveal that their turntables are nothing but rebadged/re-plinthed versions of another high end brand? (Tongue firmly in cheek…)

I agree, and if this was a thread about Fentanyl, I would express anger and great concern. However, this is an audio site and the thread is about MoFi...