how much should I spend to get a better turntable than my current turntable?

You want details hah!
I bet....

CURRENT: mmf-2.2. A lemon, a complete junk in my opinion. A disaster from the start. What I can I do with it? It was delivered with missing screws, the lift arm level broke in 3 months, all I got in the name of warranty a list of things not under warranty. I don't want to criticize the brand, maybe I just got unlucky, they are otherwise great. 

What should I get for the littlest investment that would work better than this wobbly, squeaky  thing? 


Send it back. Seriously. Everything you say says… used, and really poor quality. Sometimes it is just best to wait, save up and get something of quality. I recommend looking at a new Rega. Send it back. Don’t justify junk.

@ghdprentice +1. You don sound like you feel you got your money’s worth. Earlier I recommended Rega P2 set up by Upscale. You can’t go wrong there. 

Another vote for the Dual 1019.  It was a beautiful piece of equipment when I saw one in college.  Edge-on, you couldn't tell if the table was spinning unless it had some marking -- its machining was so precise that it was hard to see the motion.

The ELAC Miracord 50H is also a great table of the same vintage.  Not quite as well-engineered as the Dual 1019, it had its own beauty plus really nice feather touch mechanical control buttons.

Sounds like a downgrade from the Music Hall. Hopefully you can return it. The 2.2 is a budget table. I have one still. If you move up to the 5.X or 7.X series or one of the mid-range Pro-ject tables you'll be a lot better off. Maybe a used one already set up for you.

seriously grateful for the feedback to all of you! I do feel this would be a compromise in that it is a so-so upgrade to the music hall. It does sound slightly better but no magic, like my other components. Next stop Rega, it seems?