Streamer creates a Wow experience

I started streaming by running USB from my iPad to my DAC using Qobuz, and I thought it sounded pretty good and was happy.  Then I compared this to playing CDs and much to my dismay I slightly preferred the CDs.  This was a depressing moment.  So I reached out to you guys and several of you assured me if I got a dedicated streamer it’d be much better, and while I always believed a streamer is important and can make a difference I still found myself a little skeptical how much improvement there would be. 

So I decided to heed the advice here and after some research got an iFi Zen Stream with their upgraded power supply.  After getting the Zen linked to my WiFi and using mconnectHD to be able to stream Qobuz through the iFi — Holy Crap!!!  I expected some improvement but I was not prepared for the huge leap in sound quality I was hearing.  Every aspect of sound improved markedly and my jaw was on the floor.

Anyway, you guys were so right in assuring me a streamer would make all the difference.  And this is through my HeadFi rig and can’t wait to hear what this sounds like on the big rig.  Thanks for your helpful advice and getting me through this.  I’m one shocked and very happy camper.



high quality power supply is a very important contributor towards high sound quality for all components -- analog or digital

full stop


Correct. I’d simply advise @soix to try a good quality LPS and make his own determination.


If you are using usb to your dac, your sq will always be flawed, it doesn’t matter how many tweaks/gimmicks you add to make usb sound better. 

I have found good Ethernet cables around $1k x2 make a much bigger difference then cheaper $300 models ,especially at the end point side.

and a very good Ethernet switch ,the uptone Ethernet switch ,or far better still

the Synergistic research switch but is almost $1700  with discounts.



so when you play CDs, what is the setup?  How do you get the music into your headphones?