Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ?

I am 100% invested in vinyl, but want to improve my digital equipment chain.

Once I’ve upgraded my streaming equipment, why purchase a quality CD/SACD transport?

Is there a large enough subset of music that sounds better via optical media?


Another CDT 6000 user.  I find its sound quality is excellent. I tried Tidal for several years it was very good. However I was really paying to hear music which 95% of the time I already had on CD.


With streaming, artists (but a comparatively few) get paid fractions of what they get from physical sales. That alone keeps me from going into streaming.

Also I find a well-mastered CD sounds well enough. It may be an unpopular opinion here but for me at least there is a line I‘m happy with not crossing. There‘s always better, so I prefer to listen to a sound that already is great and focus on the music itself.

@cey +1: it is a joy to have a nice collection of LPs and CDs and being able to select at leisure something to listen to! Streaming is to music as is reading a book on  a screen! I'd rather hold and read a physical book. 

I must agree with you. I am interviewing Amps and Receivers currently and when you walk into a store and they can't play something that you know well...

I have always taken in my own music and now all they want to do is stream and they can't do that correctly. One store actually didn't know how to change sources. I wanted to be listening to something from Steinway & Bros. studio recordings and I was hearing VOCALS. This was the Oldest and best So-CAlled Hi-End store in Denver. Another had the ability to play disks if you consider an Xbox a suitable transport device. I am thinking if I want to look for new equipment I will have to drive or fly to Albuquerque or Salt Lake City because Denver HAS NOTHING to offer. Of course, this hilly billy town never did have any class.
But back to your comment. I know of a lot of offerings that are not readily available. Possibly they will have one from the same musician but not the album you want to hear. That is unless you want to listen to Youtube. Then there are issues with the providers. Amazon music likes playing the ignorant game of not providing consistent service if you use something other than Firefox for a web browser. If places like that can't grow up...

Then there are the bit rates of the different services. I believe that 16/48 should be a minimum even for the free users and then when looking at what is offered, not everything is offered at higher quality bitrates. I know this is improving but still lacks hugely.