No, SET’s for when they make sense; with high to very high sensitivity speakers to take advantage of the less than 1 watt where the distortion levels found in these amps are extremely low here, just like with the speakers they’re feeding that efficiently turns electrical power into acoustic energy.
Yes, this accurately describes my copacetic listening scenario. 8 watt SET mono blocks driving 94 db sensitivity /14-ohm impedance speakers. My typical listening levels sitting 10 feet away are C-weighted 65-75 SPL
Can dip to the mid 50s (softer passages) most ofren peaks (mid 80s).. I can listen at louder levels comfortably, but no need to.
At these very satisfying listening levels the SET is far below 1 watt of power (Small fractions of one watt) and doing so at a very low level of distortion (As you note). The sound is very tactile, resolved, pure, natural and quite emotionally engaging. Key take away is the amp and speaker must form a compatible match.