Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable

I'm going to purchase some AQ speaker cables, and am considering bi-wired AQ Robin Hood Zero vs full range William Tell Zero (with quality jumpers). The bi-wired RH is about $500 more expensive than the full range WT, but on a comparable basis, WT is the more expensive cable. Any thoughts on sound quality between the options I described above would be greatly appreciated.


Unless your woofers and tweeters are physically separated, in different boxes/enclosures, one good wire with jumpers should do the trick. Happy listening!

A couple of years ago simply out of curiosity I made a set of jumpers from the AQ wire I was using...Silverline Preludes (GREAT speakers) utter waste of time as the stock gold plated copper jumpers were obviously far superior. I say don't bother worrying about jumpers or bi-wiring as neither does much of is another story but generally another waste of time and money.

I opted for as true bi-wire. Van den Hul Revelation - four individual runs per channel. Martin Colloms used this wire when reviewing the speakers that I currently own and these do the trick for me. If single wire is so superior why do speaker manufacturers fit four terminals ??. I have bi-amped in the past and if I could afford another power amp, I would probably do so again.

I tried a bi-wire setup and found it made no difference so I went with some very good speaker cables and same brand jumpers. FWIW