Will the C2700 preamp translate warmth into the system using these cables...?
You’ll undoubtedly have enough valves in your system, to tune the tone to your own tastes, especially: if you get a tubed CD player.
ie: If things aren’t warm enough for your tastes, with the OEM nine pin miniatures; find some NOS Amperex for the C2700. Not warm enough? Try some NOS Mullard or Brimar.
Should you decide to enter the tube rolling arena: be certain whatever tubes you purchase for your preamp, test as VERY low noise.
ie: https://www.audiotubes.com/12ax7.htm
and: http://www.audiotubes.com/12at7.htm
About noise testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13n1VCR6UXw