@bdp24 Regarding why only the most popular stuff is used to generalize an entire era; people are lazy. It’s easier to point to the very surface and say, “well, that’s that THAT was all about.”
It’s easier to regurgitate media-bred mythology and calcified narratives than engage in actual research and actual learning.
So you hear the same oversimplified, clichéd media mythologies over and over: “rock became too wanky so punk came along and…blah, blah, blah…” “rock became too corporate and misogynistic so grunge came along…blah, blah, blah.”
Apart from a few arty ‘60s New Yorkers, the Velvet Underground were HATED. Now they are considered one of the very best bands of the era. For my money, their music is so much better, and holds up so much better than the likes of…well, I could go on and on and on and on with late-‘60s artists who enjoyed far, far more success (any way one could define success) than the Velvet Underground.
I sometimes worry I may be missing out on the Velvet Underground of this era.