@nyev To satisfy my own curiosity I did what someone here advised and I called REL. I also sent them an email describing my set up and the person who called me back had the email in hand ready to review with me.
IF the goal is augmenting bass in a HiFi stereo set up and NOT earth shattering sub-bass effects for HT (or a nightclub in your home) then GENERALLY then RELs close to the mains, toed-in, phase at 0, crossover set just under the low frequency response of the mains is a great place to start.
Close proximity to the mains is the best chance of integrating timing.
Tweaking crossover and gain to get those settings just right for the room/system does take a bit of time.
He also said if you have a sub-out from the amp/preamp then try high-level and low level connections and use whatever you think sounds the best.
Thanks for the post, I found it interesting and one of the links provided encouraged me to experiment with the 80Hz filter built into my amp.