Mood lighting for listening

Mood lighting for listening.

Photos of my secondary system.

Loving my new MC Modern record cabinet. Now that I’ve added legs, I don’t have
to crouch down much to access the vinyl. This cabinet holds 1940’s-1962 music.
Red glass front and back, so the light shines through.

Adding that LED light strip gave it a nice magical feeling. I like the fact that it looks cleaner than looking at a bunch of record spines.

Parasound Integrated, and a couple of nice old Pioneer TT’s. Dali Helikon speakers.

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Sorry, I didn't ad text to that, but those lights are great Matt and they can do so many colors and combinations. I love them.  

That's very soft and relaxing. That's the color that I normally keep mine on at night.

I agree, mood lighting is important. I used to just turn off the lights… but over time worked a bit harder on ambient lighting.