Are there any more good multi format disc players out there?

I miss the old days, circa 2007. I miss my great sounding multi channel Marantz disc player the UD7007, and the way it played dvd-audio, SACDs, and redbook convincingly. I have a lot of multi channel SACDs and dvd-a that I can’t listen to because my current player only does two channel. Does anyone know of any new players marketed for that same purpose, or do I need to get with the times, buy a streamer and admit defeat? I understand that not all multi channel audio was good, but a lot still is, and having the option to play it—in high resolution two channel as well—was terrific.

I still have the Marantz, but I was told it wasn’t worth repairing. Maybe it is after all. Maybe something on the used marketplace?

Anyone have any suggestions?


@ghdprentice I’m really not interested in streaming. I like physical media. And does streaming really sound better? Don’t forget, I’m mostly interested in the high resolution capabilities of the player. I’m guessing the interface is a more direct one, with less places for it fail, but either way I prefer having something tangible.
I wouldn’t rule out streaming as a casual option though.

@elliottbnewcombjr I’m not 100 percent certain of the year my Marantz was built…2007 was a guess. The repair guy steered me away from fixing it, asserting that it just wasn’t worth it. He’s probably not aware of the sentimental value, or the fact that they don’t make anything new to replace it. I wonder if that makes it worth fixing…?

@brian27b nice player, I’ve heard of it. I don’t think it plays dvd-a, and it’s pretty much the same as my Panasonic DP-UB9000.

If you cant get yours fixed this might be your best option…

I’m really not interested in streaming. I like physical media. And does streaming really sound better? Don’t forget, I’m mostly interested in the high resolution capabilities of the player. I’m guessing the interface is a more direct one, with less places for it fail, but either way I prefer having something tangible. I wouldn’t rule out streaming as a casual option though.

I’d strongly encourage you to open your mind to streaming. With a decent streamer (as little as $400) your music can sound better than spinning disks and obviously is much more convenient. If you subscribe to Qobuz you’ll have access to a vast amount of music and all recordings are at least CD quality and much of it is in hi res. But, along with all those benefits, possibly the best aspect of streaming is that you’ll have access to worlds of new music that will allow you to experience incredible new music you probably never would’ve otherwise gotten to hear. To me, this is the most exciting and rewarding thing that’s happened in music in my 57 years as every day I get to explore and hear awesome new music that has expanded my audiophile world exponentially. Due respect, I think you’re misguided in thinking that streaming music would be good for just casual listening. The fact is, I rarely spin a disc these days because most of my music is already on Qobuz (and sounds better), but beyond that it’s just much more fun and exciting to find and experience new music than just play the same stuff all the time. FYI, I just got an iFi Zen Stream for $399 (along with their iPowerX power supply) and it hands down sounds better than spinning CDs. You could also look at something like the Innuos Zen Mk3 (around $2400) and get an even better streamer and be able to load all your CDs into its internal memory so all your music would be available in one spot from your chair and possibly even sound better as a result. Sorry to be a little long winded here, but I think you’re cheating yourself out of one of the best developments in audio ever so hoping you take some of these words to heart and get onboard. Anyway, hope this helps and best of luck.

@soix still skeptical that streaming at 300kbps or so sounds better than DSD or 192/24 dvd-a, but as I said, I’m not against trying a reasonably priced streamer at some point. I’m always open to trying new audio.