Are there any more good multi format disc players out there?

I miss the old days, circa 2007. I miss my great sounding multi channel Marantz disc player the UD7007, and the way it played dvd-audio, SACDs, and redbook convincingly. I have a lot of multi channel SACDs and dvd-a that I can’t listen to because my current player only does two channel. Does anyone know of any new players marketed for that same purpose, or do I need to get with the times, buy a streamer and admit defeat? I understand that not all multi channel audio was good, but a lot still is, and having the option to play it—in high resolution two channel as well—was terrific.

I still have the Marantz, but I was told it wasn’t worth repairing. Maybe it is after all. Maybe something on the used marketplace?

Anyone have any suggestions?


I would certainly get a repair estimate before buying something else.

how close was a 2006 to the 2007?



you could find out if your 2007 remote will work on 2006?

or, buy this remote


they hold their value, complete laser assemblys are available



It is not easy finding a SACD/CD player that you think sounds terrific. I will repair or replace my Sony xa5400es without hesitation. It doesn’t do all the formats you want.

@ghdprentice I’m really not interested in streaming. I like physical media. And does streaming really sound better? Don’t forget, I’m mostly interested in the high resolution capabilities of the player. I’m guessing the interface is a more direct one, with less places for it fail, but either way I prefer having something tangible.
I wouldn’t rule out streaming as a casual option though.

@elliottbnewcombjr I’m not 100 percent certain of the year my Marantz was built…2007 was a guess. The repair guy steered me away from fixing it, asserting that it just wasn’t worth it. He’s probably not aware of the sentimental value, or the fact that they don’t make anything new to replace it. I wonder if that makes it worth fixing…?

@brian27b nice player, I’ve heard of it. I don’t think it plays dvd-a, and it’s pretty much the same as my Panasonic DP-UB9000.