Good-sounding audio components?

How do you decide if something is worth buying? Are there any hints or typical things you look for? 


For DACs, headphone amplifiers, CD players etc.


each has its own bespoke sonic signature … one size does not fit all.

- Do your background reading(s) first to get an initial grounding of options.

- try to physically attend a major audio fest for  multiple brand and multiple model unit hands-on direct personal auditions …that way you will be able to experience what the different price point strata performance options  (… and there IS a difference.)

. the many unknowns will be largely addressed and the key point is now shaved down primarily to a debate if the step-up in audio performance as the price ascends is worth to you as it stresses your pocketbook. 

- even if audiofests don’t work, then establish a relation with your local dealer(s) regardless. 

- You now have a distilled list of contenders and you carved out the pretenders 


+1 attend as many audio shows as you can. Inevitably certain rooms will jump out at you as sounding really good to you. Take notes on what you really liked about the sound of each of these rooms and all the equipment therein — including things like interconnects, speaker/power cables, and power conditioners — then you can read reviews of all the components and you’ll probably start to see similarities in what their strengths are that, in turn, will tell you a lot about your personal tastes and direct you to what other equipment you can explore that exhibit similar characteristics and are in your price range (if the show gear isn’t). To me, this is the most efficient and comprehensive way to learn and get up to speed faster and will put you in a better position to make good purchase decisions. Oh yeah, and it’s a helluva lotta fun to boot. Hope this helps, and best of luck.

For me, reviews of all types, but mostly backed-up by recommendations by friends (including a few I hold in high regards here) and dealers (remote) I trust. Unfortunately, I don’t have many good HIFI dealers in my area except a couple good used dealers), and the one dealer who does carry very good stuff is very high end (albeit I got my used Vandersteen Treo’s from him that he took on trade), thus, I have had to purchase many of my components without listening and comparing.

It’s worked out well thus far, but I do a lot of reading, talking, and investigation now days.