@2psyop Oh wow, I'm really grateful for that! I've sent you a PM. I'm very interested to see if its just the power supply that's to blame, or if the unit itself (in my case) is defunct. You are awesome!
BTW, did you guys know NAD made the power supply? Their logo is on it. I don't know much about who developed the hardware, but I was surprised to see that on there, and a bit wary to buy modern NAD gear now too.
@larry5729 I actually didn't call them. They are local and very nice, but I know they are just going to tell me its out of warranty and to call BS.
@jjss49 I hear you.. I don't know if mine is considered an early one, but its a 2i, so its newer than the 2. If it were true that they sold hundreds of thousands of players and only .07% were bad, then they would be fixing them for free (or charging reasonably) to avoid the negative press. I mean, when you look at the board inside, you can see that at $600 a pop, they have huge profit in this device, and the power supply, a totally separate board made of common components, cant possibly cost more than $25-50 to them. I think the storm is coming - the lifetime of the power supply seems to be 2-3 years so all the folks that bought them a couple years ago will be posting a message just like this one in a year. :)
The real reason I'm ok with lambasting BS online is the terrible support I received. They really don't care to retain customers - the kiss of death in the high end audio world. A $75 discount on a refurbished 2i is not support, that's a "go away customer" response. I believe in early years of the company they were receptive, but now service appears have gone to India, and we all know how that goes.
@roxy54 Oh, no worries! Thanks. I agree with you that $600 isn't a lot of money for audio gear. I have high end stuff in my main system, but $600 certainly isn't cheap for a mini streamer like this. I rationalized paying the premium to get a quality unit. :)