Should I burn these?

Am so disappointed with my Bose 911 speakers. I appreciate good sound quality and these speakers just don't cut it. They do not possess good sound performance as far as highs and lows and the sound is very flat and muffled, and no they are not blown. They have sounded the same way since they were new about 5 years ago. Had an old pair of Canadian made speakers made by Audio tec from the early 1980's and wish I would have kept them as the sound was far superior. Bose 911 speakers are over priced and the sound quality sucks. Don't buy them!!!
Put them up for sale on ebay and get yourself a pair of sound dynamics 300ti and never look back...The 300ti will blow them away and leave you with much needed cash to buy software.
If you don't have the equalizer you're not listening to them as they were intended. You have to have the EQ. I'm not a Bose apologist, but you do need to be operating the with the equalizer to give them a fair shake. It's an integral part of the system.
Guy registers on AGon just to start duplicate threads bashing speakers he's owned for five years. WTF?
Said it before and will say it again. Where are the moderators when you need them?