Which Ethernet filter?

Hello all,

My new Innuos streamer system is coming along nicely, and I've been startled how my A-B comparison of USB cables affected the overall SQ  - I settled on the FTA Sinope.  I'm now looking at enhancing the ethernet feed to the Innuos.

Presently, I have the SotM ISO-CAT7 (limited Red edition with dCBL-CAT7u cable to DAC), and noticed a lift in detail once installed.

I'm very interested in the Network Acoustics ethernet options.  Has anyone compared either the Eno or Muon systems to the either the IS0-CAT6 or ISO-CAT7?

Many thanks,

Netgear Orbi Satellite  =>  AQ Carbon  =>  SotM ISO-CAT7  =>  SotM dCBL-CAT7u  =>  Innuos Zenith Mk3  =>   FTA Sinope USB   =>  Hegel H390


Long story short - I'm sticking with the Eno having received it today.  Already it's clearly "just right".  The chaps at NA told me I'd hear a little more detail with the Muon, but that the sound signature would stay the same, so decided to draw this quite expensive odyssey to a close.

I think it's fair to say that the Eno is better than the ISOCAT7 (anyone want to buy a "pre-loved" one  ;-)  ).  I might still see some benefit in putting the Sotm between my stock switch and the Eno.  All opinions welcome.


@wsrrsw  ..agree with you on ‘less in the chain’


I found ENO to be by far the best and most natural sounding filter under $1500 range.  I used to own previous generation SoTM combo :-) 

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@lalitk Did you have an EtherRegen at one point? Wondering if i should jump/try the Eno or Moun. You are using the JCat M12 and their cables. Yes?

Looking at the hook up for the M12 their NET Isolator is needed from my cat 5 coming from wall.