Slim Devices SB3 external hard drive

I am getting ready to start setting up a Sqeezebox playback system and wondering what others are using for a hard drive. I am thinking about getting a 500 gig external drive and never owning or using one before, I don't want to buy a POS. Also should I be using another for a back up?
Any other advice for a newbie?
Thanks in advance for any and all advice
For creating a music server around extremely rugged milspec external hard drives capable of surviving 1200G of accelleration see:
Somewhat pricier than run of the mill consumer grade drives, their 500GB solutions cost approx $550 after rebate. The 750GB drive is approx $750. . . still a bargain for audiophilically hardened pockets.
Olixir has an even more hardened line of drives, but those go only up to 160GB.
Not having done ripping yet I am wondering how many songs you can get from best slightly compressed (I guess Apple lossless) and fully oncompressed say on a 500 Gig drive.
I have 7211 FLAC compressed songs on my 300GB drive and it is about 66% full. Figure something around 18,000 songs for a 500GB drive if you use FLAC and the assortment is about the same (jazz, rock, classical - small and symphonic). Not sure how Apple Lossless and FLAC compare.