Whizzer cone drivers

According to my expirience as speaker designer , i am wondering why so  many companies  still making loudspeakers with wizzer cone drivers and  so many  guys fall in love with this products choosing small paper cone as a additonal tweeter prefering high quality tweeter made from top quality components.Yes, no crossover ( capacitor) , but still ?


@esarhaddon 100% first post which i wainting . Whizzer cone came from audio pro and , no matter size and brand this is cheap alternative good tweeters . i know some desagree and say -we listen ther , we listen , we liten and sound very good

There is not one driver or speaker that is for everyone, so I have no problem with someone not liking whizzer cone speakers.  I have heard, a liked, a small number of speakers employing such drivers so I don't rule them out categorically.  Have you heard the Voxativ Ampeggio speaker or any speaker employing Voxativ full-range drivers?  Have you heard the AER full-range drivers?  I've heard several systems employing Voxativ full-range drivers, in both single driver and multi-way systems, and some systems were very good.  Some were not to my taste, but, that is par for the course with ANY driver.  

I wish the better drivers were cheap.  Clearly builders are not using these drivers just to avoid the cost of a good tweeter.  The top Voxativ field coil speaker is $70,000 a pair (I have not heard this driver) and the top AER driver is in the same price range.  I suppose this is "cheap" if the alternative is using something like the top G.I.P. field coil tweeter in a multi-way system ($60,000 a pair); I've heard that tweeter and it is good, but it is not THAT good.

I've only heard Lowther. They were used as giant midranges In a 3 way horn system. Besides crossovers, they also had transformers. Also heard Supravox field coils in another system. Don't think they used whizzer cones. Both systems sounded great.

Don't understand how whizzers work. If the main cone can't produce high frequencies, why would adding a whizzer help? Hasn't that added even more mass to a driver that weighs too much to reproduce high frequencies?



@aldnorab  Whizzer is the small cone attached or glued to main cone, Whizzer got resonance  4000-6000hz depending of size , nothing magic, you can pointed whizzer as mechanical tweeter with poor ability over 8-10 khz., But many from us especially most popular audiophile age , older 60 , dont listen anything above 12Khz.