Ali Baba


I run Tara Labs cables (The One) and looking for a new interconnect as I need a longer cable.  These cables are thousands of dollars but $100 on Ali Baba.  I know they CAN'T be real but just gotta ask.

This stuff is all counterfeit, correct?


Chinese counterfeit wire manufacturers know exactly that wires make no difference. All they have to do is making them look the same and it works 99% of cases unless consumer decides to splice and see what's going on.

I have an AQ well speaker cable Pair I paid 200.00 for, Of course it's a fake,  I knew it was when I bought it.  The damn thing sounded excellent against 8TC. I've replaced it now. If the builder concentrated on building his own cables instead of fakes, I believe he could sell many. 

Thanks, guys. I kind of knew but feel better having reached out to everyone.  

If you want the best answer send a picture to the manufacturer. They know what fake cables look like.