Are you discovering new music?


What I see here in common everyone discovers new releases of the known stuff, but no one here reports any new artists or any new unknown and obscure artists.

Yesterday I've discovered Thirsty Moon german prog band of early 70's and I was wondering how dafuk could I live without knowing this magnificent band that released only 5 albums and all 5 are extremely desirable. Prior to that, I've discovered Ryo Fukui -- an incredible Japanese jazz-rock artist of 70's.

I've also been discovering excellent today's artists such as:

Antoine Boyer -- multi-talented young guitarist from France

Leo Pelegrino -- Baritone sax player and leader of TMZ busking band. He also formed the unique style of Brass House music -- this guy talent is probably beyond Charlie Parker

Valery Stepanof -- probably the most bad-ass keyboardist ever on the planet

Tigran Hamassyan -- He's been a while and has also unique style progressive jazz-rock blended with Armenian folk tunes

and finally, Matteo Mancusso -- he is a continuation of RIP Allan Holdsworth!!!

What are your recent discoveries of new artists or artists not too many people know? 


I am constantly discovering new music. Mostly new, new through Qobuz. I probably listen to stuff I have heard before 10 or 15% of the time. Pre-streaming I relistening to old stuff nearly 100% of the time.


Between, new releases by genera and internet radio channels my musical life is constant discovery. My virtual library is mushrooming (used to be 4,000… it must be two or three times that now.

Sometimes I come across older/old popular music that I missed and/or forgot about, but I really do not care for most/all of the new music referenced here.

Some of the players are really good (like the Trucks slide guy), but their new offerings, that are not re-pops, don’t move me.

I do enjoy some of the supposedly impromptu "street" recordings on Youtube (have posted a few links) but my last gob-smack moment was purchasing a Chemical Brothers CD 15+ years ago.

The CB’s music is something I would not usually consider listening to, but I really enjoy it.

I do listen to a lot of new stuff via YT, et cetera and this iMac, but rarely find anything I would consider owning.

I recently recorded a one hour PBS show on John Prine and have replayed the John/Bonnie Raitt duo performance numerous times this past week.

Now, that’s music to my ears.


It's quite possible that I am just stuck in the past.

Though I'm only 67 I've owned well over 10K LP's and @ least 2.5K CD's in my time (didn't own a CD deck until 2001).

This said, I often listen to the music referrals I see/read here (inquiring minds and all that;-)




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