Ethernet - Analog/Digital Signal Clean Up

Curiosity got the better of me recently and I tried a pretty cheap tweak where I used two Fiber Optic converters between the eero access point and my Lumin U1 Mini streamer. Converted from copper Ethernet to fiber optic then back to copper and then into streamer using my Supra Cat8. 

I was pleasantly surprised with the improvements this change had brought into my system and now I am wondering if I can do better. One other aspect of the current configuration that I don’t like is the clutter - each unit comes with it’s own power supply and add to that a fiber optic cable. I already have a spider web of wires and am not looking to add to that. 

Objective is to have as much noise, RFI and EMI removed before it reaches the streamer. 

Seeking opinions on the following units from those who had tried them in their systems:

  1. English Electric Network Switch 8 (Silent Angel is pretty much the same thing)
  2. Uptone EtherREGEN (currently out of stock)
  3. Network Acoustics Eno (box or streaming system)


What is your experience with these units?

Anything else to add to the above list? 


Thanks in advance!


Lps on modem is interesting! My present modem supplied by cable company, has internal power supply. perhaps I should look into new modem with external power supply. Powering router with lps was very worthwhile upgrade, I could see this as nice. upgrade.

Several mentions of the Sonore OpticalRendu, but there is a simpler way if you don't want the extra boxes this requires.  Their Signature, ultra, and microRendu devices are ethernet in/USB out devices and have worked well for me.

So I moved things around and my digital signal path is now cable in > modem > router > Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch > Gigafoilv4 > Network Acoustics eno > Mojo Audio server/streamer > Mojo Audio DAC…

The modem and router are powered by two separate DC outputs from a single HDPLEX 100W LPS and the switch and Gigafoilv4 are powered by one each of these 5V LPSs that seem to work quite well for 5V peripherals.

All Ethernet cabling is good quality CAT8 with gold connectors except the run between the Gigafoilv4 and the eno, which is Network Acoustics’ own eno Streaming Cable, and from the eno to my server/streamer, which is the short, captive eno Streaming Cable.

The Gigafoilv4 provides optical isolation just before the eno and streamer/server and is much more convenient than using dual converters and a separate optical cable. The eno provides further isolation using transformers and I am not sure whether this is redundent with the Gigafoilv4.

The Bonn N8 switch is currently located near the modem and router but I also have the option to run the Ethernet cable directly from the router to the Gigafoilv4, without the switch. I may try that option later. I honestly cannot say whether this reconfiguration and adding LPSs has been an improvement, but the system sounds good.

@mitch2  I can't recall all your pre server configurations, but you sure have a lot going on pre server! My experience has always been post server far more important than pre, and simpler has been proven best up to this point.


I'm actually at impasse on network upgrades at this point, no more switches, filters or more fiber for me. At this point all these additions only tilt my sound into analytical side of neutral, certainly there have been the smallest gains in lowered noise floor, but at the cost of a less analog, spacious, natural presentation.


Per usual, YMM, I'm done with any pretense of being able to objectively judge other streaming setups!

@sns, Post server is easy, JCAT USB Card XE outputs USB from the server and the Triode Wire Lab Split Power & Data USB Cable connects the server with my DAC.

I have also tried AES/EBU and coax through an outboard Roon endpoint but none of those options sounds as good to me as the direct USB connection.