Anyone else feel like it’s the Wild Wild West?

I’ve been following the streaming threads here for a while now, and I find it both exhilarating and intimidating.  I mean, we all know everything in high-end audio matters to some degree or another, right (Ok, maybe except for the flat earth contingent)?  From what I’m reading and from my own experience the process of optimizing steaming has near unlimited potential, and some even say it rivals or even surpasses vinyl if taken to the max.  Cables, routers, optical, filters, extenders, power supplies, switches, etc., they all seem to make a significant difference despite the naysayers who say bits are just bits.  I’m all in on this steaming renaissance, but most of the jewels of useful info are buried in other posts, so I’d like to have this be a consolidator post of your best streaming experiences and recommendations for others who could benefit greatly from your hard-won victories and maybe save a lot of people the agony you went through to get to streaming nirvana.  So have at it — let’s empower this community in this noble task and help everyone realize the amazing potential of this magic gift to audiophiles.  What say you?


I'm part of the all the above crowd.  Ultimately I think what's best is determined by the media itself.  I have many vinyl recordings that easily beat the digital version and vice versa.  Currently use terminator plus with Gaia on Mac mini.  The DDC does the computer cleaning job thus wondering why I would need a standalone streamer?

The DDC does the computer cleaning job thus wondering why I would need a standalone streamer?

But... does it? How do you know for sure? Without trying a low noise / low powered, audio optimized / specified stand alone streamer? I am not saying it doesn't, but you get the point.


Another valid reason for ditching a general purpose laptop for streaming (yes, many people do this) is freeing up that laptop from having it attached to audio system, and freely use for other tasks laptops are designed to do. Ultimately, you do you, it's a matter of how far you are willing to experiment, try new stuff for yourself. Or not



I have done a lot of comparisons via audioclubs and my own pocket ,around 

$12 k on digital is close to my limit with cables 

if that does not get it done then there is something wrong elsewhere 

imo the Denafrips Terminator+ is the best dac I have ever heard up to $12k 

in my system , it’s very good on every level .

my brothers $35k DCS Rosinni is much better still maybe 5-7% better ,

once you get to a higher level then it cost $$ for a few % here or there.

Oh my god!   Such useless conversation!    You would think we are curing cancer here?