On the used market, Innersound Electrostatic amplifier. Or Sanders or Coda.
These amplifiers share a common design approach - numerous transistors that can dump gigantic amounts of current into any load. Here’s something I clipped from the enjoy the music review of the Innersound amp:
The InnerSound Electrostatic Amplifier ("ESL amp") solves this problem by using a massive output stage. Each output transistor is capable of delivering 250 watts -- and there are eighteen of these per channel. As a result, it can deliver a staggering 135 amps of current with a combined power rating of 4,500 watts per channel! The output impedance of an amplifier must be lower than the impedance of the speaker, or current clipping will result. With so many output devices, the output impedance of the ESL amplifier is virtually zero. Current clipping simply is no longer an issue.
This amp does not sound dry. It sounds beautiful. Like music. I’ve emphasized it here because I’ve owned one. A tremendous piece of gear. A tremendous value. The Sanders amplifiers are evolutions of this design and are extremely good value. Same with Coda. Mind-boggling approach. Totally cool.