Direct Drive

I am firmly in the digital camp, but I’ve dabbled in vinyl.  Back in the day I was fascinated by Technics Direct Drive tt, but couldn’t afford them.  I was stuck with my entry level Gerrard.  I have been sans turntable for about 5 years now but the new gear bug is biting.  I am interested in the Technics 1500 which comes with an Ortofon Red and included pre amp.  I have owned Rega P5 which I hated for its speed instability and a Clearaudio Concept which was boring as hell.

  Direct Drive was an anathema to audiophiles in the nineties but every time I heard  one it knocked my socks off.  What do the analogers here think of Direct Drive?  I listen to Classical Music exclusively 




With all due respect, been there, done that, about a decade ago. Details a bit fuzzy

now. There was a (red?) status light that would go on with every use,  stopped going on. I took it out of the system. As previously mentioned, this didn’t change the speed instability issues one iota, which led me to conclude the whole product was either a hoax or else that it was broken from day one. I took it to the dealer (Holm Audio, Woodridge Illinois). Over the succeeding weeks they told me they had multiple calls with Rega. Keep in mind that it was still under warranty. Rega refused to accept the item back, basically claiming that it was impossible that it could be defective. I filed a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency and the Better Business Bureau.

They then took it back, returned it to me 6 months later (and multiple calls) unchanged. Status light still didn’t work, table sounded no different with it plugged in, but guess was no longer under warranty! Rega offered to sell me a new one at a $25 dollar discount as their "final offer" settlement. I declined their generosity.


  It also made me bad is the speed stability, and the feedback that they must get about it from consumers, if they had to invent an entirely new product to correct a flaw which shouldn't have been there in the first place?



@mahler123  - wow - what a bad experience. I don't blame you for bad mouthing Rega. I would too. Maybe it was a problem with the US distributor because now (for as long as I can remember) they warranty the products for life (except for accidental damage or normal wear and tear for things like the belt).

They did change the PSU, because the one I have is different than the one I had with the P5. They changed the wiring plugs so it doesn't dislodge as easily when you bump into it. Just like they beefed up the wiring from the table to the phono stage. They continually improve their products. The best thing about Rega is their arms - hard to beat them for more than twice the price, and since they are included with the tables, it makes them a bargain. But not if they don't treat you right.

I haven't heard many complaints about them (really any), and my dealer is VERY objective - kind of a turntable geek (builds and modifies them) and he likes them a lot - for over 30 years. 

They also have a different PSU for the P10. maybe because it has a different platter and beefier bearing.

@sokogear I can't understand why most Rega owners wouldn't opt for Origin Live tonearms. OL turned the Rega on its head and is considered a bargain.