@dover the chassis and the board are connected by those green wires.
board > right green wire > binding post < left green wire - 33ohm resistor - ground pin of the IEC. (which means the left and right wire are meeting in the binding post)
also, there are screws holding the board but they are not touching the circuit of course.
There is a possibility that the joint of the board ground (where the circuit board and the grounding wire meet) needs to be resoldered.
If I desolder the 2 wires it only means the chassis would be completely lifted from the ground. The chassis and these wires wouldn't be even electrically connected.
What's your suggestion?
Let's not forget the error may not be in the preamp. It's working fine anywhere else but my place. Maybe it just needs better grounding from the binding post. But where to attach it if not the socket ground pin? I have no idea.
(It's possible the grounding problem leads further - maybe the sockets are poorly grounded. Maybe there's a problem in the main switch. We still haven't measured that, if it's even possible. I'm waiting for the electrician to show up.)