We just have to accept the sonic preferences and experience based opinions as truth for that person.
That’s my point. If we want to compare anything meaningfully and rationally, we have to argue the facts, not opinions. Measurements, assuming they are done properly with functioning equipment, are not opinions- they are objective fact. How one chooses to interpret them can become objective and a matter of opinion.
How something sounds is 100% subjective and tied to one’s unique ears, room, associated gear and preferences. In fact, the only absolute truth of how something sounds, is found in one’s actual experience with the piece and their resulting opinion. That’s it.
Exactly. What others think they hear, while truth for them, doesn’t mean it is truth for anyone else. This is why all the fluffy talk about "deeper body", "better tone", "blacker background", etc. is utterly meaningless to anyone other than the speaker, yet people continue as if it actually means something to others...