Does a turntable make a DRAMATIC difference?

I purchased some analog gear in the hopes of making my analog side (a Sutherland 20 20 phono preamplifier and a Hana ML cartridge) at least the equal of my digital side. Although it has markedly improved the sound of my records it has not equaled the SQ of my digital sources. I know my turntable ( a heavily modified Rega RP3 with two power supplies and many other internal tweaks) is the weakest link. My question is, will a new improved turntable make a MAJOR difference, or just incrementally improve the sound. Or do I have to spend major bucks to achieve what I want.


The only function of a turntable is to rotate your disk at exactly 33 1/3 rpm. I assume you already have low wow, flutter and rumble. If so, how do you think it could further improve the sound?

@rudyb - that is a gross mis-characterisation of the function of a turntable. The best description of the function of a turntable that I have hears is Touraj Moghaddam's statement that it's function is "to measure the groove with respect to time". Anything that interferes with or corrupts that measurement will impact on the accuracy of reproduction - including resonances or sources of noise anywhere within the system or any inccuracies in the temporal component. Eliminating all of those is a non trivial engineering challenge.

I think the OP should tell us in what respects his digital set-up outperforms his analog. We don't know what to address absent that.

There is a greater sense of space between instruments with digital and a more clearly defined presentation. A reversal of what it was prior to my upgrading my digital gear.