What speakers have you mistakenly let go and then later repurchased?

Or maybe wished you wouldn't have sold? 


I managed to repurchase the same acoustic Corporation 360/361 Bass amplifier that I purchased new from Leo's Music in Oakland CA in 1969 almost two years later from the same party. 

DCM Time Windows. Owned from 1977- 81. Bought again in 2017. Infinity Monitor 1A’s owned in 1977. Bought again in 2016. Quad 57’s owned 1981-2000. Bought again in 2017 (two pairs).

Vandersteen 1ci. Upgraded to the 2 thinking if I liked the 1 the 2 would have to be better. It wasn't the case for my ears and spaces in my house. Later came by a gentleman who was letting a mint pair go cheap, so I bought them again. Now they serve as my non-critical listening downstairs system.