Best Dedicated Streamer

I have a Canary KD-2000 DAC and seek a high end digital streamer to feed it with. I don’t need an integrated unit with a DAC built in nor do I need or want a CD transport in the streamer.

What manufacturers and products should I consider? I would much prefer to buy US made.

Thank you.


@wokeuptobose It appears that Grimm has sorted clean power and low jitter to a level that other manufacturers have not yet achieved.  So for 12K invested in a Grimm you get a built in Roon Core, 4 to 8 TBs of storage, a world class streamer, AND you don't need to spend 7 to 8 K on ethernet enhancements and power cords. The Grimm is also designed to feed any other manufacturer's DAC which appeals to me.

This is why I provided the Grimm link earlier in this thread. With the stated budget there are very good options to choose among. The Grimm MU is very formidable. Granted it is not made in the USA.


@charles1dad +1


Recently changed from Innuos Zenith Mk3 to the Grimm MU1. Full disclosure, I loved my Innuos and could have lived happily ever after. If that describes you, if you are happy with what you already have then don’t demo a Grimm. Its a completely different animal and you can’t unhear the increased performance. Simply amazing.


There is a post above that says “it’s all about the DAC”. I believe that is bad information. The quality of the streamer is critical to achieving superb sound quality. My contention is that both the DAC and streamer are important and require equal attention and consideration. No doubt your experiences attest to that.


@charles1dad +1 . I don't stream but it is readily evident that what a DAC is capable of delivering is dependent upon a quality source feeding it.  I had never focused much on the transport until I purchased a Mojo Audio EVO DAC. Ben from Mojo asked me what transport I'd be using, I told him a Cambridge CXC  (a decent CD transport). He told me if you want to hear more of what the DAC can provide to upgrade the transport. Bought a Simaudio 260DT and it was evident that the Cambridge was holding the Mojo back. It's not going to be any different with the quality of a streamer.

I enjoy my iFi Zen Stream.  It's ROON ready but I use it with Tidal currently.  Sounds fantastic and is very well regarded in the audiophile community if that means anything to you.