A Tale of Two Cambridge Audio Edge Amps

I have been looking at either the Edge W and Edge A as a not too distant future purchase. Each one has definite advantages along with some drawbacks in the general scheme of my current audio setup : HD and Ultra HD sound streamed from pc via usb (2m) to Denafrips DAC Pontus II ( $2k and great reviews) onto my current integrated YBA amp connected to my speakers.

Considerations we can explore :

1..Is it pointless to hold onto the Denafrips DAC if purchasing the CA Edge A with DAC included. Do two DAC running together compromise sound or augment it to a certain degree .....If going the route of the Edge A , longer USB cable to pc , going from current 2m to 3m or so to connect the Edge A to the pc. That would mean also selling off my AQ Earth IC as no need for them anymore.

2...if deciding on the Edge W power amp, the Denafrips DAC will stay along with the AQ Earth IC . No volume control on either DAC or power amp , so all volume management done on pc.

Interestingly enough, pro reviews have given the Edge A stellar ratings across the board. With the Edge W power amp garnering slightly less praise all in all.

I guess the ultimate decision will be based on whether the SQ of the Edge A connected to the Denafrips DAC or directly to pc would be significantly better than just the Denafrips DAC and Edge W power amp combo ?.........There is approx $1.5k to $2k price difference between the Edge A int amp and Edge W power amp.


Feel free to offer any thoughts or opinions.





The only reason for 2 parallel stereo DACs is if you have 4 ears. And two amps, 4 speakers. Go for it.

I would retire the noisy PC. And have. A lowly Node outperforms it.

Well they share the exact same amplification stage.  If you have no other way to control volume (e.g., not intending to use a preamp), then I'd say get the Edge A for that reason alone (don't use PC).

Obviously you'd not be using both the external DAC and the DAC of the Edge A. Try both independently (when using the external DAC run the DAC's output to analog inputs (RCA or XLR) of the Edge A, not to the digital input.  My guess is your external DAC will perhaps sound better but you never know.

I own the Edge W and like it very much, paired with the Edge NQ streamer/dac/preamp.

Good insights. 


Kren0006, since the Edge W and Edge A share the same amplification stage, the only difference in both would be the DAC section. The current Denafrips DAC is quite the performer , judging not just by positive reviews but personal experience with it has been one of the reasons to dip my toes in the audiophile world. 

Now, I do plan to hang onto streaming directly over my pc to the DAC/Int Amp, the addition of the volume control on the Edge A was practical advantages over limited control over volume from the pc, which can be slow and inaccurate for the most part. 

Either way, the SQ of the amplification stage in both configurations is what is most important. Paying a bit extra for the volume control and remote functions for pure convenience purposes in the future may be worth the extra investment.