Reference 3A line updated

For those of you who follow Reference 3A, it seems that their entire line has been updated with:
A new, high tech, sound-absorbing finish called "Nextel."
A new, beryllium dome tweeter on all models, including the entry-level Dulcet.
Two new models, one called the Nefes, and a huge, 7-driver model called the Sena.
Hoping somebody out there going to Vega for THE Show next week can check out their room and report back.
The Ref 3A web site has had a nice redesign, too.
Aprica88: They may not yet have an MSRP for the Sema... I don't know if it's in production yet. But generally speaking they offer free shipping, a small discount, and a 3 week in home evaluation period to customers who don't have a local dealer. Also, if you decide to move up the line within 3 months, they'll give you full price paid toward a your new model.
Okay, new, beryllium tweeters have been installed in my De Capo's! The slightest bit tricky in a couple of ways so that I called to get advice. But really not very difficult at all as long as you can handle a soldering iron enough to attach the new tweeters. Only had the briefest few minutes to listen to them after installing them. They sounded great, but I will put off posting about the change until after they've had some time to settle in. I think that Reference 3A puts something like 75 hours on all their drivers so that they can more accurately match them in pairs. Presumably, then, these tweeters have had that much time on them, and given that the rest of the speaker, including the main driver, is already very well broken in, it shouldn't take all that long I would think for things to settle down. Impressions coming soon.
I asked them the specs and approx cost for Sema but I got no reply.

BTW, is it possible to change the older capo's capacitors to mundorf capacitors?

will there be a significant improvement?