Aurender N200


I was hoping to get feedback on the Aurender N200.   I have a Bluesound Vault 2i that honestly has been great but I am looking for a significant bump up in sound. Will be using with a LAB 12 DAC which accepts USB class 2 output and has coax also.  I really like this DAC , although I do have the opportunity to trade up within a year so that's to be seen if I do that.  I find myself mostly streaming and want a great sounding stand alone streamer that won't be outclassed if I upgrade the DAC.   Any opinions of this unit would be appreciated 



Thanks Charles.   I have been holding off for too long.   I sold the Zesto to fund the Toolshed Preamp.   The Music Room gave me such a good deal I couldn't pass it up, I traded the Zesto plus some cash on the Aurender.   My sale of some displaced products will fund the Toolshed 101d preamp.    It worked out good .

I'm doing my system sort of in reverse order.   My Forte IV are great,  but I want to really have my electronics sorted out before I replace those.  Most likely with LaScala or who knows maybe Volti Vittori or something along those lines 

Those Forte are very good , they sound better with each improvement upstream so until they cease to impress im going up this path.  

This is the first time I’m hearing of Toolshed gear, and I see they are in the next state over from me. I’ve loved the different SET amps as I had them over the years, but I’ve since moved on. 

@oddiofyl How big is your room? I’m a fan on full range drivers run by low-powered tube amps combined with woofers powered by Class D. Have you tried the combo, say in like with Oris horns or something similar? Sounds like your system would be ripe for that if you have the room. 

I'm currently set up in a roughly 13 x 15 room. It not very big.  That will hopefully change in near future to a slightly larger space.  

I'm using Forte IV but eventually want a horn loaded bass cabinet like a LaScala or Vittori.    The Forte IV sound really good with the Toolshed , will be even better with the 101d preamp.  

Not sure about single driver designs, I have virtually no experience with them  I did hear Charney speakers a while back but it was in a conference room type of setting  

The Preamp and Aurender  will be my last purchase for a while.   I totally went off the rails this year buying, trading and selling  stuff.    


Yeah you don’t need huge speakers for that space. La Scalas are massive, basically 24x24x36. The Volti have such a different sonic signature from Klipsch and features a bit more tonal richness so it will depend if that will work well with the rest of your setup.

I'm using Forte IV but eventually want a horn loaded bass cabinet like a LaScala or Vittori.    The Forte IV sound really good with the Toolshed , will be even better with the 101d preamp.  


I understand that direction. I'm more drawn to that than the class D powered woofer alternative. Admittedly nothing more than individual preference. Either one done right can be successful. That Toolshed  DHT preamp paired with your 300b SET is going to be special in my humble opinion. Good decision.
