Mounting Kuzma 4point 14 tonearm on Yamaha GT 2000 turntable

After many years of owning this turntable I have decided to upgrade from the Yamaha arms. I have settled on the Kuzma 4 point 14. This choice means that I can never use the stock turntable dustcover ever again. Not even when not playing a record. The Kuzma arm is too sizeable to enable that. Luckily the large plinth on the GT 2000 can accomodate the Kuzma 12 inch mounting distance.

I know I will be the only GT 2000 owner with a 4 point 14. Does anyone have any tips ot feedback about the 4 point 14? Thanks in advance for any specific relevant replies


Just curious as to why the 14” version vs the standard 4Point which is an almost drop in replacement. 

The Platter on the GT 2000 is over 14 inches in diameter. Couldn't fit the 4 point 11 without the base of the tonearm touching the rim of the platter.

I had an Artisan Fidelity Technics SP10 Mk2 that had a modified Kuzma 4P base - it was smaller and likely for similar reasons.  You can contact AF or someone like Thom at Galibier Designs that can help you with a smaller base.  You can then weigh your options.

I have no wish to replace the plinth if that is what you mean.

I said the reason for the 4 point 14 as opposed to the 4 point 11 was the size of the platter. How does Artisan Fidelity or Galibier Designs change the size of the platter?


There is another solution for you.

Galibier offers a Kuzma 4Point Hybrid - the 11" arm tube  from the 4Point11 mated with the 4Point9 tower - mounting distance is 264mm. You lose the VTA tower - VTA adjustment is the same as the 4Point9. Should be perfect for your Yamaha which was designed for 10" arms.