A lot of folks repeatedly return to the same piece of art over the course of their lives.
If I was smart, I’d re-read (or…uh…actually read…🙄) all them books on my shelf.
I re-watched a few different TV series’ over the last year or so.
The entire “Twin Peaks” story was one of those (seasons 1 & 2, then the ‘92 film, then the ‘17 Showtime, “ The Return” season). It was even more amazing the 2nd time.
I re-watch films regularly, often getting a lot more out of them with repeat viewing (every once in a while maybe getting less 😉)
Music is so much more portable and easily repeatable, I guess. Morning shower, breakfast, commute, work, commute, dinner, evening, etc. You could potentially listen to music all damn day if you wanted.