To hot or not ???????????

Hello everyone took a gamble and purchased a Trous AVR20 also had a dedicated 20 amp line installed for it my question is my amp is NAD M25 it dosent really say anyware that i can find if it can soak up 20 amps of juice? it gets quite a bit hotter than when i had it pluged into the wall but the amp & sub  and tv really like the full and stable 120 volts just dont want to hurt the amp.Thanx 


The amp rating on the wall plug and breaker should have no bearing on your equipment.  The voltage is the thing.  The size of the breaker only regulates the total draw the line can provide.  Your equipment will only take the power it needs and is designed to handle.  A larger amp supply doesn't "force" more power into your equpment.  You only need to check that your line voltage is the same as your equipment.  

Here is another option for s tester:  Fluke ST 120 + GFCI Socket Tester (19.88 on Amazon ).

Here is another option for a tester : Fluke ST 120 + GFCI Socket Tester with audible beep - 19.99 on Amazon )